Saturday, December 5, 2009

Is it alright to cut back my tiger lillies once they've bloomed?

They were pretty when they were in bloom now they are brown and wilted looking. Is it alright to cut them back and if so how short can I cut them?Is it alright to cut back my tiger lillies once they've bloomed?
on a tiger lily it is a rhizome,therefor you can cut it back right to the ground when it starts to yellow.i cut my stems as soon as the flower falls,then i cut the leaves to the ground when they yellow.a bulb is fed from the stalk and leaves,tulips,cannas ,daffodils and such,so you should let it die off completely.

also with lilies you should dig up and seperate the rhizome about every three to four encourges the plant to produce and you get a whole bunch of new lilies.yaaaaa!Is it alright to cut back my tiger lillies once they've bloomed?
You may chop off the dead flower, but not the stem nor any leaves. When the bulb flowers, it uses up extensive energy. In order to have nice lilies next year, you must allow the plant to re-energize. That means that while you think the stem is worthless, the plant is actually re-organizing nitrients back to the bulb. Since the stem is green, it is also capable of making energy, which will be stored in the bulb (chlorophyll from the cells turns the stem green and chlorophyll is a necessary element to photosynthesis). Let the plant die back naturally, which it should do in about a month now. And next year ... gorgeous blooms!
it is best to let them die down as this way the energy is returned to the bulb. rememebr to pick off the seed heads!
listen to yo yo

you need to allow the plant to die back. You can cut off the flower part but allow them stem to go brown and wilt .Otherwise next year all you will get is green and no flower
Yes, tiger lillies are bulbs, you can cut them all the way down to the ground and they will still come back next year, the same with Caanas and other lillies and all plants that are bulb. For most bulb plants, for each bulb that you planted that next year you'll have 2-3 more bulbs on it for transplanting or just let them grow where they are, you can give some away to friends too.
I strongly believe that...Jitterbugjim is right on this one!

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