Wednesday, December 2, 2009

What cha think about Orlando Bloom?

okay people my cousin and I have disagreed about the last thing. Answer me this... If you saw Orlando Bloom walking down the street would you take a second look or keep walking. Let's assume that he isnt some dorky movie star and just a average joe! I know I would ask him to bear MY kids!!!lol. but my cousin doesnt think SO. What about you.What cha think about Orlando Bloom?
I'd probaly say ';Wow! What a hot guy!!!'; and walk on because he wouldn't notice me.What cha think about Orlando Bloom?
I'd probably try to jump his bones! i LOVE him!
I wouldn't notice him
he is soso but i am a Vin DIesel fan love the arms and shoulders
i think hes ubsesed with himself, but if he was just a regular person walkin down the street i would definetly look!
well, he's cute. but johnny depp his cuter! (: but anyways. i'd like run up to him give him a friendly smile and then run away!! haha (:
He is a good looking guy but I think that if he was an average joe walking down the street I would take a second glance, but I wouldnt go absolutely crazy. I have saw better looking guys that arent movie stars. But then again..we all have a different idea of looks :)
Orlando is pretty hott.
I would definitely want him to at least talk to me. I still like him best with the blonde hair from lord of the rings.
honestly i wouldnt notice much about him if he was a normal guy walking down the street. not my type. but hes a good actor :D

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